Monday, November 22, 2010

BIC - NAG e4libraries Subject Scheme Seminar - York 17 November 2010

The audience prepares for Ian Manson of INFOR

The Bar Convent in York was the venue for a BIC - NAG (National Acquisitions Group) seminar on the new e4libraries subject scheme which is now being implemented in UK public libraries.

Delegates from UK public libraries heard a range of speakers covering the e4libraries scheme from the viewpoints of BIC, NAG, Bertrams Library Service, BDS and Infor. Maggie Sumner, author of the scheme, gave an explanatory overview of the scheme pointing out its objectives and benefits. Jennifer Cox of Bromley Libraries, an early adopter of the scheme, gave extremely useful tips on how to implement

A further seminar will be held in London on Wednesday 15th December 2010 so if any librarians are interested in finding out more about the e4libraries scheme they should click here for more information (

or book online at NAG: here (

For the full e4libraries scheme, click here (

So what is the e4libraries subject scheme all about?

The idea is simple - let's enable all public libraries to display their books in broadly the same way as high street bookshops rather than in their own unique ways. This helps customers to find books more easily. The scheme also helps libraries to display logically similar collections of books together in the same place.

Similarly, customers are becoming very used to searching for books on the Internet using subject searching and e4libraries will enable customers to find books more easily on library OPAC online databases.

The scheme has been written by an experienced librarian and a group of experts will ensure that the scheme remains up to date and relevant to the needs of public libraries and their customers. Come along to the London Seminar and find out more!

Many thanks to all the speakers who attended in support of this seminar and all the public librarians for their attendance and excellent questions and discussion. Many thanks to Jane Butler for organising the event.

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