I'm afraid the blog has been in abeyance too long. The main event - and preoccupation - of the past month or so has been the moving of the BIC office. We are now installed in the CILIP building on the corner of Store Street and Ridgmount Street in the heart of Bloomsbury, and very convenient and central it is proving after twenty years in the wilds of North London.
The next challenge is Frankfurt, always an important diary date for meetings with members and with the international standards community. One of the most important events will be a meeting to progress the planned international version of the BIC standard subject categories. This will be a truly international meeting, with representatives from Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway and the Arab world, all of whom are interested in being involved with this work; and we hope for an important outcome.
That apart, we shall hope to see many of our members in the book fair.